Spores, Seeds & Pollen Spores, Seeds & Pollen Viburnum pollen grain. (Viburnum rhytidophyllum). 80201674 Anthurium sp. pollen. 80202013 Lavendula dentata floret with close-up of pollen. 80200169-2 Lavender (Lavendula dentata) pollen. 80200172 Sycamore pollen grain (Acer pseudoplatanus). sycamor2u Sycamore pollen grain (Acer pseudoplatanus). SYCAMOR2 Sycamore pollen grain. (Acer pseudoplatanus). 80000579 Timothy grass pollen (Phleum pratense). 80000597 Bindweed (Calystegia sepium). pollen grain. 80202473 Bindweed (Calystegia sepium) pollen grains. 80202468 Bindweed pollen (Calystegia sepium). 80015951 Red Campion Seed (Silene dioica). 80201768 Red Campion Seed (Silene dioica). 80201774 Campion Seed Detail (Silene dioica). 80201776 Sundew Seed Detail (Drosera capensis). 80201763 Sundew Seed Detail (Drosera capensis). 80201767 Pollen grain (Passiflora alata). 80201600 Brugmansia heaven scent pollen grain. 80201593 Brugmansia heaven scent pollen grains. 80201592 Hogweed pair of seeds (Heracleum sphondylium). 80201095 Common poppy seeds (Papaver rhoeas). 80201094 Large Disc Medick (Medicago orbicularis) seed pod. 80200986 Seed of Old Man’s Beard (Clematis vitalba). 80200952 Alder tree (Alnus glutinosa). pollen grain. 80200929 Alder tree (Alnus glutinosa). pollen grain. 80200925 Cape Fuchsia pollen (Phygelius aequalis). 80200733 Hyssop pollen grains on petal (Hyssopus officinalis). 80015870 Hyssop pollen grains on petal (Hyssopus officinalis). 80200693 Leucospermum pollen grain. 80200528 Jatropha pollen (Jatropha curcas). 80200521 Jatropha pollen (Jatropha curcas). 80200522 Horsetail spore (Equisetum arvense). 80200211a Horsetail spore (Equisetum arvense). 80200211 Horsetail spores (Equisetum arvense). 80200206a Horsetail spore (Equisetum arvense). 80200206 Common horsetail spore (Equisetum arvense). 80017564 Horsetail spores (Equisetum arvense). 80200075 LM of Equisetum spores. 500029 Passiflora caerulea pollen (Passion flower). 80200187 Passiflora caerulea pollen (Passion flower). 80200187a Scots Pine Pollen (Pinus sylvestris). 80200184 Scots Pine Pollen (Pinus sylvestris). 80200181 Scots Pine Pollen (Pinus sylvestris). 80200181a Scots Pine Pollen (Pinus sylvestris). 80200136 Scots Pine Pollen (Pinus sylvestris). 80200136a Evening Primrose pollen (Oenothera biennis). 80200177 Willowherb pollen (Epilobium angustifolium) 80012543 Willowherb seeds (Epilobium angustifolium). 80019714 Evening Primrose Pollen (Oenothera biennis). 80200176 Evening Primrose Pollen (Oenothera biennis). 80200176a Lavender (Lavendula dentata) pollen. 80200172a Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) seed. 80200021 Bog myrtle pollen (Myrica gale). 80019777 Foxglove seed (Digitalis purpurea) 80019732 Foxglove seed (Digitalis purpurea) 80019732a Pitcher plant pollen (Sarracenia purpurea). 80018362 Arnica chamomile pollen (Arnica chamissonis). 80018322 Maize pollen (Zea mays). 80016853 Marrow (Cucurbita sp.) pollen grain. 80200001 Marrow (larger)+forget-me-not pollens. 80016738 Forget-me-not pollen (Myosotis sp.). 80016545 Ivy pollen (Hedera helix) 80016111 Fungal rust spores (order Uredinales). 80016096 Jacobs ladder pollen (Polemonium caeruleum). 80015746 Red Clover pollen (Trifolium pratense) 80015562 Oil seed rape pollen grains (Brassica napus). 80015531 Genetically modified rape pollen (Brassica napus). 80015524 Oil seed rape pollen grains (Brassica napus). 80015524 Daffodil pollen (Narcissus pseudonarcissus). 80015512 Ash tree pollen grains (Fraxinus excelsior). 80015503 Hazel pollen (Corylus avellana). 80015210 Chamomile pollen grain (Matricaria recutita.) 80014644 Tiger lily pollen (Lilium tigrium). 80014298 Dandelion pollen (Taraxacum officinale). 80013729 Flowering currant pollen (Ribes sanguineum). 80013704 Daisy pollen (Bellis perennis). 80013582 Rose pollen (Rosa sp.). 80012555 Rose pollen (Rosa sp.). 80012553 Mushroom basidiophore spore structure. 80000764 Mushroom basidiophore spore structure. 80000763