
Tarantula spider facts

Tarantula spider facts

Vulnerable spiders? Despite being a predatory animal, the spider can also be predated upon.  With tarantulas, their major predator is a large member of the wasp family Pompilidae.   The larger of these wasps are known as “tarantula hawks”.  They will track down a tarantula using their sense of smell and paralize it dragging it …

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Then and now…

Then and now…

Imagine, in the beginning, when calculators, computers, digital cameras and horror of horrors, mobile phones didn’t exist. Indeed, if you had a telephone it came attached to a house by a long black cable and the only thing you could do with it was make a telephone call. Only 3 channels on TV! Imagine also …

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What is a Water Bear?

What is a Water Bear?

“Do you know of an animal than can withstand temperatures of -200 °C, tolerate heat of 151 °C, live in the vacuum of space, or withstand the pressure of water at the deepest point in the ocean, the Mariana trench?” Ches Power Tweet What is a water bear?  Have you got one on your roof …

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She sells sea shells…

She sells sea shells…

The loneliness of the long-distance beachcomber. A bleak, deserted, windswept beach along the west Wales coastline. Whilst we are all aware of sea shells on the sea shore and probably without exception have taken home the odd one or two as mementoes of a particular holiday, how many of us appreciate that more often than …

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